Constitution - Region 6 of the EPA

southwest england pool region 6 epa world rules 8ball
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(Updated Jan 2024)
The name of the area will be known as ‘Region 6’, hereafter called the Region.
The Region is formed for the purpose of promoting the game of pool amongst all playing members within the Region; to organise individual events male/female, doubles and team events; to organise fixtures for the Regional Inter-County Championships, at Men’s A, B, Ladies, Seniors, U23s and Junior events where applicable, where the winning teams will represent this Region at the All England National Finals; to negotiate sponsorship for the Region and to organise the Region to run in accordance with the English Pool Association Constitution.
1. The Region shall elect a committee to manage all business appertaining to the Region.
2. The Region 6 Committee shall consist of the six officers. Regional Director, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Chairman , Fixtures Secretary. Two members of each approved County and a representative of the Referees Association make up the balance of the committee.

3. Three (3) Executive Officials will hold office for a period of three years, with a staggered retirement as follows:
Treasurer (2024),(2027),(2030)
Secretary (2025),(2028),(2031)
Regional Director (2026),(2029),(2032)
All other committee members will hold office for a period of one year, i.e. Vice Chairperson, and Fixtures Secretary. The Retiring Officers’ position will be open for election at the current AGM providing nominations have been received. All retiring members will be eligible to stand for re-election.

3A. EPRA Delegate for region six will hold a position on the region for 2 years to fall in line with EPRA voting (2025)(2028)

4. The Committee will appoint any member of the incumbent committee to fill any vacancy that may occur providing that such a vacancy occurs during his/her period of office and before an AGM is called, such a person to stand for election at the AGM following his/her appointment.

5. Delegates for National meetings to be selected at the regional meeting, preceding the next National meeting, and may be chosen from any member of the Region 6 Committee.
6. The committee shall have full authority to make any decision that, in their opinion is deemed necessary or beneficial to its’ members, excluding the alteration of the Constitution other than at an AGM or EGM.

7. The committee shall have the right to alter or amend any fixture or advertisement that they decide is necessary (with the EPA’s permission, if there is an issue with the EPA Calendar).
8. The quorum for Regional meetings: one (1) Executive Officer, plus three (3) County delegates from different Counties. If a County cannot send a delegate to these meetings, they will be fined £40, but the County must notify the Regional Director before the meeting of their inability to attend, the Regional Director should contact the other delegates, If a quorum cannot be reached stating the meeting is cancelled.
9. An Officer may represent their County Association, at the general meetings of the Region, but not at an AGM or EGM.
10. Any three member County associations can call an emergency meeting of the Region, after giving seventy two (72) hours notice in writing, and the reason for the meeting, to all members of the Regional committee. The secretary is to call the meeting within Seven (7) days of receiving such a notice.

11. Membership to the Region is open to all County Associations within the Regional boundaries subject to them being in full membership of the English Pool Association.

12. Membership to the Region is set out in Appendix 1.

13. County Associations when formed recognized and in financial membership will carry the votes of their member leagues at the AGM and general meetings. The affiliation fee to the Region will be agreed at the Regions AGM every year, any member County Association not paying their affiliation fee, between the first (1st) January and the twenty first (21st) January each year will be deemed to have resigned their membership, and will be refused all benefits formally accorded to them.

14. The committee reserves the right to refuse membership to any individual/league or County Association, for any reason they deem to be injurious or harmful to the Region.

15. Each County Association in the Region will update the database directory of their County Officials and affiliated leagues, with their affiliation fee each year, by January 31st. Each County must send confirmation of the annual update to the Regional Director and continue to keep the record updated throughout the season. Failure to comply will result in a fine (See Appendix 4).

16. Any member will have the right to use all legal and technical advice available to the Region subject to the committee’s approval.

17. All monies held by the Region will, after the deduction of managerial expenses, be used for the benefit of all its members.

18. Any member may request the committee to mediate in any dispute they may have with any other member/body within the region. Such decisions reached by the committee will be final and binding on all parties subject to appeal to the EPA.
19 Any member has the right to ask the Region to negotiate on their behalf a sponsorship request. The Region will endeavour to negotiate the highest possible amount for their members.
20. Any team/league can request the committee to arrange any Inter League match against any other team/league that are members of the region.
21. The RD has a casting Vote only, where required and EPRA delegates do not have a vote at regional meetings.
22. Each member County Association is entitled to a maximum of two votes, one vote per delegate present. Officers Except the RD may represent their county for Voting Purposes.

23. No Officer or County Delegate may vote on an issue where they are a personally ‘interested party’.
24. Each county association in full membership to the Region will elect a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of two (2) delegate(s) from their County Association to sit on the Regional committee.

25. If a County representative(s) is (are) elected as an officer, that county must supply a further representative(s).
26. The Treasurer and other executive officers will be responsible for the finances of the Region, and must keep all book work up to date. The Treasurer must make a verbal report with an up to date balance sheet, available on request, at each Regional meeting. At the AGM of the Region, the Treasurer will produce a yearly balance sheet, which will be proposed, seconded and voted upon as a true record of the Regions finances for that year.
27. All expenses will be vetted by the committee.
28. The three (3) Officers of the Region will be named on the Regions bank mandate; two (2) of these Officers must authorise all payments.
29. The annual subscription will be due on January 1st each year and the Regional financial year will run from 1st December to 30th November.
30. All monies held by the Region will, after the deduction of managerial expenses, be used or the benefit of all members of the Region.
31. The two (2) National delegates will be paid expenses for attending National meetings. Any expenses will only be paid if the Regional committee sanctions them. (See Appendix 2).
32. Officers of the Region that are entitled to a petrol allowance on mileage completed for work done for the region i.e. EPA meeting, Executive meeting and any other circumstances that the constitution allows. Mileage to be reimbursed at the EPA current rate. (See Appendix 2).
33. Region 6 will pay prize money to the winning and runner-up A, B, Ladies, Seniors, U23 & Junior teams, subject to an annual review. (See Appendix 3).
34. No mileage expenses will be paid to the regional director or secretary for regional meetings
35. The region will endeavour to reimburse reasonable expenses by any member of the committee incurred while conducting business on behalf of the Region. Such expenses must be approved by the committee. (See Appendix 2).
36. The Region is not obligated, but may choose, to give financial support to the EPRA delegate, regarding attendance of EPRA meetings.
37. Honorariums are to be paid at the end of the financial year to the R.D., Secretary and Treasurer plus Fixtures secretary, and Assistant Fixtures secretary, subject to review. The amount shall be set at the AGM. (See Appendix 2).
39. The Region reserves the right to suspend, fine or expel any member, team, league or County Association, for any breach of these rules, or any rules that the Region makes in the future, or for any act deemed by the Region to have brought the Region into disrepute. Any County, league, team or member accused of any offence against the Region will be afforded every opportunity to defend themselves or explain their conduct either in writing or in person at a disciplinary meeting of the Region.
40. The Region will form a committee to hear cases of discipline. (See Disciplinary Procedure).
41. The Region will also form a committee to hear cases of appeals against original Regional decisions. (See Disciplinary Procedure).
42. The Region will only deal with disciplinary cases if the following applies:
(a) the Region suspends a member, team, league or County Association;
(b) if the Region is asked to make a decision, after the case has been heard by the County Association concerned, and the member, team or league refuses to accept their decision.
43.  If a player, team, league or County Association is suspended, the only party to lift this suspension is the party who implemented it (subject to an appeal being overturned).

Region 6 will comply with the current EPA Disciplinary Procedure (20-Issue 2-EPA Disciplinary Procedure, Regional Level).

44. Where appropriate, elements of the Disciplinary Hearing can also be conducted via email.
45. The AGM of the Region will be held in November/December of each year. Any proposals for Officers positions, changes to this Constitution, or General Rule changes, (appendix changes only) must be in writing to the Regional Director twenty one (21) days prior to the date set for the AGM. (Main changes to the Constitution/Rules can only be changed at a National EPA AGM, or EGM, after giving the relevant notice required).
46. A Regional AGM will be held by the association, at which the election of officers will be held. Any County Delegate wishing to add any item to the agenda must notify the Secretary at least twenty-one (21) days before the general meeting. Any proposals must be proposed by a member/County Delegate of the Association and seconded by a different member/County Delegate, e.g. two members of the same county cannot propose and second the same proposal. The proposer must be present at the meeting. But the seconder can be taken from the floor.
47. Any alteration to the appendix in this Constitution/Rules can only be done on a majority vote in favour, at the Regional AGM, or an EGM.
48. Meetings of the Region will take place every six (6) weeks, subject to bank holiday dates, then they will be brought forward one (1) week or delayed one (1) week as directed by the Regional Director.
49. The Region shall hold regular meetings, as deemed necessary, where the use of electronic conference facilities can be considered to suffice on occasion. (Reps attend at their county’s expense and will give a full report to the meeting concerning all activities in their area.)
50. Minutes of meetings to be sent out within 14 days of a meeting and within 28 days of an AGM accompanied by updated constitution.
51. At an AGM, no other business will be allowed. Any other business at the six (6) weekly meetings must be presented to the Region Secretary in writing, before the start of that meeting, and will be included at the Regional Director’s discretion.
52. County Associations not attending the AGM will be fined. (See Appendix 4). Non-attendance at any regional meeting loss of ¼ of yearly bonus. Non-attendance to Regional AGM loss of all bonuses.

53. County Associations not sending a delegate to the six (6) weekly meetings will be fined. (See Appendix 4).

54. No expenses will be paid to any County Associations by the Region for attending any Regional meetings.
55. National Delegates elected to represent the Region at EPA meetings will be expenses only. (See Appendix 2).
56. The referee’s delegate sitting on a Regional Committee must be a fully registered referee with the English Pool Referees Association, and the Regional referees committee will elect them to the position. He/she will report on all referee business during the Regional agenda.
57. The Regional EPRA Delegate is responsible for the co-ordination of referee’s requirement at Regional events. The Region will encourage the training of Referees, so that they may gain the highest standard possible. Any person wishing to officiate at any event organised by the Region must first pass the official examination set by the EPRA.
58. All Counties are required to arrange their own senior referees for home County matches. They must pay the referee a minimum sum. And travel expenses if required and contact EPRA (See Appendix 1).
59. Each County team should have a qualified referee. Any County that does not supply a referee for a match will be fined. (See Appendix 4).
60. Home team Senior referee to adjudicate in the event of a dispute and his/her decision is final in all cases.
61. All members should at all times play to the current rules supplied by the National body (EPA)
62. All Counties must provide the region with a copy of their latest constitution.
63. All Counties will be responsible for keeping the registration forms for all their players. The committee shall have the right to examine such documents after giving reasonable notice of their intention to do so.
64. Counties who do not comply with the General Secretary of the EPA’s request for information within that county e.g. number of leagues, players etc may find themselves subject to disciplinary action.
65. The Fixtures Secretary’s mailing list should include all Regional County Secretaries, all Regional Officers and the EPA General Secretary as well as anyone else who requests it. Confirmation of database update is to be sent out. All Regional Delegates to be added to the mailing list.
66. The Fixtures Secretary  must be electronically notified (via email/photo SMS) of results within 48 hours of the match, no later than 11.59 pm on the Tuesday following a Sunday fixture. Counties must send legible copies of both sides of each match sheet, including the head Referee’s signature. Match sheets must be kept by the Counties until, at least, the end of the season. If this is not done, a fine will be levied on the offending county by the Regional Exec. Fixtures Secretary to key in results by following Friday midnight, notify counties Secretary missing players full registrations and give 48 hours notice to rectify. Fixtures Secretary to report any further issues at next meeting. (See Appendix 4)

67. The top 7 players in each section (where available) will be allowed to represent the Region at the EPA team trials. If a player does not wish to take this opportunity, or any of the 7 players are currently EPA players, then the next available player will take their place.
Region 6 will comply with International 8 Ball Pool Rules in conjunction with Region 6 Playing Rules.
68. At a county match the captains of all 6 adult sides must meet with the Senior referee before the match starts. The senior Referee will address dress code and any other pre-match issues and only when he/she is ready will he/she allow the matches to start.
69. The Senior Referees name is to be entered on the match sheet and he/she is to sign it off at the end of the match. he/she can also be a county player. Failure to ref or time keep for county games, £30 fine
70. Both team Captains/Secretaries are responsible for informing the Fixtures secretary of the match results.
71. Home team is responsible for all table fees, and Timekeeping Equipment, This must always be shown to players on the table while playing. Away Team will be responsible for Providing a Ref on every Game. This is for all Sections
72. Counties must have a minimum of 3 pairs of matching sets of equipment that meet the EPA guidelines available for county matches
73. Penalties: Late team arrival is to be reported at the next Regional meeting.
74. When a player is called to the table and is not in the vicinity, the Senior referee is to be informed and a stop-watch started. That player has 10 (ten) minutes to get to the table. If he/she fails to arrive at the table within 10 minutes they forfeit the frame.
75. A light meal or buffet is to be provided for the away squads and also management and officials.
76. All county matches MUST be played.
77. Any county/team/player found to be in breach of these rules and sanctioned by the committee of Region 6, have the right to appeal.
78. The Regional playing season is to commence in JANUARY and finish in DECEMBER.
79. Every County in Region 6 should complete Team Trials for all sections, and submit the number of competing Teams in all sections, before the first Regional meeting of the year.
Will be the current EPA Dress Code (11-Issue 3).
80. If any changes to these rules are required (medically) they must be sanctioned by the National Inter-County Sub-Committee and, added as ‘Local Rules’.
81. Disciplinary action may be taken if the Dress Code is broken.
82. During months June/July/August, dress code – County shirt, shorts (plain) or black trousers/ Skirts (No jeans) Black trainers or sandals or black shoes. This can be implemented by Reg 6 committee for other occasions of heatwave also
83. The treasurer will administer the payments of bonuses calculated on travel to the meeting venue(s), deducting the percentage for non-attendance.
Appendix 1
Regional Fees
a. £150 per County Association.
b. £3.00 per player for I.D.Card.
c. Each team will pay the following match fees to the region for every match played:
a) Mens A, B, Ladies - £1.00 per player
b) Junior - £1.00 per player per match
c) U23 - £1.00 per player per match
d) Senior - £1.00 per player per match
d. County match Head Referee to be paid the minimum sum of £30.
Appendix 2
Fees paid to Regional Delegates.
a. Honorariums: Regional Director/Treasurer/Secretary/Fixtures/ Assistant Fixtures secretary, £200 each

b. Travelling expenses for National Meetings (RD, National Delegate) and Regional business, sanctioned by the Committee, paid at current EPA rate
c. Meals bought while on R6 business will be reimbursed up to the cost of £15 per day
d. Should prize money be paid to the winners and runners-up when they attend the National Finals. If teams do not attend, the money will be recouped and may be awarded to a team that can attend
e. £75 for the top male /ladies Section £50 /Senior £100 / U23 player £50, £40 for the top junior player. ( to be finalised by Treasurer at the start of every season)
Appendix 4
Fines within the Region
a. Any County Team that fails to inform the Fixtures Secretary by Tuesday at 11.59pm of match results will be fined £15 per Match sheet.
b. Any County that does not supply a referee for a match will be fined £30.
c. Failure by any County to update the database directory of their County, Officials and affiliated leagues, sending confirmation to the Regional Director by January 31st, will result in a £25 fine. R.D. to remind all counties 7 days prior

d. Any costs incurred by the region or a county due to cancellation of matches will be passed on to the offending county.
e. Late cancellation penalties payable to Region:
Under 1 week £150, over 2 weeks no penalty (as long as RD notified and agreed) within 48 hours £150
f. Any forfeited match by any County will result in a £100 fine, to be deducted from the Annual Regional Bonus, in the first instance. £100 of the collected fine will be paid to the forfeited team.
g. Unregistered players as set out by EPA byelaw 6.9 A player signing on the day for Intercounty or Interleague must complete the relevant forms and ask the County Secretary or County Official to sign and complete the online EPA database to register this player. The County Secretary or County Official has seven days to complete the registration. Failure to comply will result in penalties being applied in accordance with the National Intercounty and Interleague Rules. 12.1.2 All players taking part in the EPA Interleague competition must be in possession of an EPA Membership as issued through the County Association where they have registered to play in. Any player having played in an match and not in membership within seven days of that match being played will forfeit any frames they have won to their legally registered opponents.
h. Non-attendance at any regional meeting loss of ¼ of yearly bonus. Non-attendance to Regional A.G.M. loss of all bonuses.
i. All Invoices to be paid within 28 days of the invoice date. Any county failing to pay an invoice within 60 days from the date of invoice shall be fined £50.
j. Any county still owing funds at the pre-season meeting from the previous season shall not be permitted to enter the new season unless agreed by the region exec.
Any county defaulting entirely on monies owing shall not be permitted to enter for three seasons, or until the debt is paid.
Individual players registered to a suspended county for the season in which the suspension arose, who have played 50% or more of the fixtures played prior to suspension, shall have their EPA card suspended by R6.
Any individual suspension may be cleared by that player paying their percentage of the outstanding amount. On the basis of dividing the total amount owed by the number of players having played 50% or more fixtures.
Appendix 5
County match days and starting times and Table Allotment
Sundays following EPA Calendar Date, match start times
10.30am Seniors  Two Tables Senior ref to Check timing 1 and a half hours into, if falling behind move to 3 tables
10.30am under 23s, One Table
1pm Mens A and B  Two Tables each section
12pm ladies Two Tables
12pm Mens present at venue  11am Ladies Present at Venue
Juniors – separate day last Sunday of the month One Table
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southwest england pool region 6 epa world rules 8ball
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